



I’m so flipping sorry I am a horrible person

(You can kill me but don’t steal my brownies)

Secondly, I was going through some really old notes and I found a chapter of a story that I made up and I kind of like it. 

I don’t know wether I should carry on with it but I’ll show you the story

Keep in mind that this was last year. I didn’t know how to write for toffee.

But here goes nothing 


Time- The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present and future regarded as a whole.
That’s the definition of time that my father gave me. My father is an intelligent man and unfortunately the only thing we have in common is how our eyes glisten when we cry and how when we smile it either makes people shocked or feel special. My father and I barely smile or cry. We only smile or cry in front of our family and I smile at the old lady who gives me free bird meat everyday. 
My father is the one who hunts, I am the one who cooks and Jamal normally does the cleaning, unless Antonio wants to play and then I have to clean. Antonio is Jamal’s best friend. Jamal has many friends, due to the fact that Jamal is friendly and trusts very easily unlike me. I have no friends, unless you can count the old lady who gives me free meat everyday. Her name is Asia just like my mother.
My mother passed away while she was giving birth to Jamal. She had to give birth to him in our garden where everyone could stare because our house was too small. We have one bedroom where Jamal and father sleep on the mattress while I sleep on the floor using my arm as a pillow because father deserved to sleep in the mattress as he does so much for us and Jamal is afraid of spiders. We have one small bathroom and a tiny kitchen and we also eat on the floor. 
Since my mother passed away (when I was ten) I am busy all the time so I have no time to be making friends. I don’t mind that I don’t have friends. they’re not useful and I’m not friendly at all. 
But then whenever I go to school, I sit alone for lunch. They give us one slice of bread and a bunch of vegetables. I don’t mind that I sit alone, it gives me more time to focus on work. I am the best student in the whole school. This isn’t boasting, this is a fact. All of my teachers say so and my tests seem to say so. Because of this a lot of people try to be friends with me but then eventually they stop and realize I don’t like them.
My normal routine would probably go a lot like this

1) Wake up and wake up Jamal

2) Eat breakfast (sometimes)

3) Go to school

4) Come back from school 

5) Cook and eat lunch

6) Do homework 

7) Clean the house when Jamal goes to play 

8) Greet father 

9) Cook and eat dinner 

10) Sleep
But today my routine is going to change, maybe it will never be the same because something big is going to happen. And not a good thing. It’s something uncontrollable maybe because I have no control over anything. And today I want time to pass quickly. So that in a blink of an eye everything will be over.



But was it good enough to not make you throw tomatoes at it??

Should I carry this story on? If so, where?

Comment what the hell I should do with this passage sitting in my notes with no sense of remorse 

Thank you so much (for not stealing my Oreos…… YET!)


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